Diary of a Tramp


This is the story of a unique mode of existence; an account of a way of life once commonplace, when 'Gentlemen of the Road' roamed Britain in their thousands, almost as familiar a sight as motor cars are today. Joseph Stacey was a tramp of the old school, a professional, totally independent, self-sufficient, turning living off the land and the general public into a fine art. 

John Vose met him in the early 'sixties when Stacey thumbed a lift in the North of England; he was fascinated and intrigued by this amazing raconteur of the world of trampdom; he made notes, meeting Stacey on many occasions. Mr Vose tells Staceys' story in the first person, the way it was told to him, for greater impact. Diary is a vastly entertaining account of one tramps life and his strange, bizarre travelling companions. Often sad, nostalgically evocative of life between the two Great Wars often hilarious and, above all else, completely foreign to 'respectable' society in this day and age. Regimented to the modern 'rat race' as we are one can almost grow to envy him! 

To parody the popular song 'Stacey did it his way'. . . Why not join him on the open road?

ISBN: 9780901976703

Size: 217x140mm 

Binding: hardback 

Length: 199pp

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