Island Soups and Moroccan Beaches


An unusual blend of sun, sea and humanity is brought together in this collection of short stories. The author carries his readers to far-flung islands where they might be in for a culture shock as the contrast between the locals and visiting characters becomes evident. And in the Moroccan tales the author is a catalyst, coming to grips with the toxic mix of assumed opinions and attitudes leading to decadence.

The main title story, `Island Soup', is set on the island of Las Palmas and reflects the power of a German restaurant owner over the locals who are made to feel captives in their own country, contrasting the strong cultural differences brought to the fore through tourism. There is humour to be found in tales such as `George the Parrot Priest' and `A Change for the Better', and much to be learned of other cultures in `A Gift from Allah' or `Last Exit from Saudi Arabia'.

The stories have a strong grasp on life and relationships, with a general note of living without the pretensions of modern western society which so often lead us to closed minds and fixed attitudes. This slightly bohemian approach to life is nevertheless also very down-to-earth, and the relationship between the characters, their actions and their surroundings becomes entirely symbiotic.

ISBN: 9781852001346 

Size: 217x140mm 

Binding: hardback 

Length: 192pp

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About the Author:

Geoff Broady

The author left school at 14 years of age and worked as an apprentice at Met Vicks Electrical Company. In 1945 he joined the Merchant Service aboard the SS Franconia

Having attended various humanist courses and studied English Literature and Philosophy, he took a two-year teacher training course and became a teacher of general subjects in the UK. He later spent five years teaching English in Saudi Arabia. 

He has a keen belief in gardening for eco-produce and a life-long interest in wildlife habitats as well as our own, and in 1976 he built a humble dwelling deep in the French Languedoc area, near the Pyrenees Mountains.

Along with his writing, he spends time cycling, swimming and walking and has regularly performed stand up poetry readings.